Friday, January 27, 2012

The Countdown Begins...

The 2013 GS 350 is coming...we are just days away from having these gorgeous cars on our showroom floor! Are you excited?!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Last week, we had an all-employee meeting where we recognized several employees and departments and talked about things like teamwork, dedication and professional accomplishments. These are the great things that give Superior Lexus gas and allow it to hum like the machine that it is. The numbers truly speak for themselves:

Pictured from left to right: Todd Jambrosic, Donovan Spielbusch, Mark Richardson, Doug Sprinkle, Dan Davidson, Kurk Lowry, Adam Dozier, Justin Unruh, Monte Massey, Chad Wheeler, Todd Wayman, Lenard Holsworth and Ray Buzzard (Not shown: Josh Heidemeyer, Tyler Johnson, Chad Wheeler, Ryan Dutro, Joe Walkenhorst)

 244  - Years of Technical Experience

Pictured from left to right: Corey Breuer, Webster Oliver, Chris Clark, Teresa Holt, Willie Steineger, Jon Blanck, Richard Murtha, Shelley Clements, Craig Rossman. (Not shown: Jason Otto, Shawn McMullen, Vince Dickerson and Ken Bradmon.)
80 - Years of Lexus Service
Consultant Experience
 on our Service Drive

Pictured from left to right: Ed Wilson, Jason Brown, Tabby Teufler, Jerry Washington, Lisa Steineger, Mike Pearis and Chris Dengle. (Not shown: Miles McBroome and Dave Wright) 

4588 - Number of tires sold last year by our BUSY Parts Department (wow!)

12 – Number of times Superior Lexus has been a Lexus Elite winner


814 – Number of New Lexus' our New Car Department sold in 2011