Monday, April 30, 2012

In The Know: OMG! My Daughter Just Got Her License! Now What??

"Hey Mom, where are the car keys? I am going to practice, then over the Megan's to study."

We have all heard the words - it never gets easier. Being a parent of a teen driver is most likely one of the most terrifying experiences that you go through. I have four girls and two of them are in their twenties and have had their license for several years, and yes - I still worry! She will ALWAYS be your five year old in pigtails - it is IMPOSSIBLE that she is backing out of the driveway right now. (I could totally relate to this guy....but not his choice in vehicles:) You NEVER stop worrying.

You do your best to establish rules, guidelines and expectations. You lecture, lecture, lecture about the use of cell phones, not wearing seatbelts, having too many people in the car, etc., until you are blue in the face. You show them horrific videos of teen driver/drunk driving car accidents (yes, readers - I show my girls these videos, because I would rather scare them NOW rather than having an officer at my door giving me the live version of a Mother's worst nightmare LATER.)

What has helped me through the years? Educating and arming myself with ideas and resources to help them and being the best role model I can be while they are in the car with me.  

So as we dive into the beginnings of prom night/graduation parties/summer fun, let's make sure to arm ourselves as parents and once AGAIN, take the time to have the discussion of safe driving with our kids. You may get the infamous eyeroll, the sigh, the "Jeez, Mom, AGAIN, really??!!" But aren't they worth it?

Perhaps these great resources will help you, as they have me.

How safe is your Lexus?

Watch Videos of Kansas Teen Driving