Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Superior Lexus teams up with Team Lucy for CureSearch!

Join us in our efforts to support CureSearch for Children's Cancer!

Superior Lexus has teamed up with Team Lucy and will be participating in the CureSearch for Children's Cancer at Arrowhead Stadium on April 30,2011. The money raised will fund and support collaborative research to find a cure for all childhood cancers. We need your support. Please join our team as an active participant make a donation to CureSearch for Children's Cancer on Lucy's behalf or in honor of your loved ones.

T-shirts may be purchased at Superior Lexus in honor of Lucy or in any case wear purple the day of the walk.

Please donate. It will make a difference.

This group of medical professionals treats more than 90% of children with cancer at over 175 hospitals in the United States. These experts provide world-class care in communities across the country.

Every day, 35 children are diagnosed with pediatric cancer–7 of those children will not survive. Cancer is the #1 cause of death by disease in children. Although the cure rate is now 78%–up by 30% in the last 20 years–it is not good enough. Our goal is a 100% cure rate.

Questions? Contact walkinfo@curesearch.org

To donate or register:  http://www.curesearchwalk.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=448289&lis=1&kntae448289=D3D8198CCA2F44769D71CA9B89874688&supId=324867975