Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Meet our General Sales Manager, Ken Newman:

How long have you been with Superior Lexus? A long time ago…15 years.

What was your first car? 1966 Ford Mustang…sweet

Where did you grow up? Lots of exotic locations …Toronto, Canada., Heidelberg, Germany, Munich, Germany and New Hampshire. But I’m a Missouri grad…go Tigers. (needless to say, Ken was NOT a happy camper when he came to work yesterday and had to listen to a bunch of KU fans:)

What is your favorite movie? Pulp Fiction

What do you like to do for fun outside of work? Great wine, delicious food and amazing friends.

Who is your favorite athlete? Michael Jordan

What is 1 things on your bucket list? Watch my son graduate from NYU…this Spring. He's the good looking one in the photo above:)

What is your favorite customer story? Too many. I’ve made a lot of friends at Superior Lexus.

What was your first car? 1966 Ford Mustang...sweet.

 What car do you drive now? 2011 Is250 Convertible

Tell me what you love the most about working at Superior Lexus?   Just coming to work and being a part of something special in the car business.