When we see the color GREEN, we think of fresh cut grass, crisp cool limes and of course - ways to save the planet. Or at least, try to do our part in the initiative. But let's face it. We lead very busy lives and it is sometimes quite hard. How many times are you in the checkout line at the grocery store and notice the person in front of you pulling out their canvas bags and handing them to the cashier to bag their items? While we sheepishly stand back, smile and whisper "Plastic please." The obsessive use of paper towels to clean the kitchen? Forget about it. And how many of us are still getting paper utility statements in the mail?
Well, the time has come to start small (baby steps as the saying goes). And we thought we would share a few things with you that will make the process so much easier AND enjoyable.
1. EkoMiko Candle: Made from a repurposed wine bottle, the EkoMiko candle offers a smoke-free burn. ($70; shopekomiko.com).
2. Eco.Love wine: From vine to bottle, Eco.love Wines are made with earth-friendly practices. ($17; shopecolovewines.com).
3. A mini-septic system for Spot - the Doogie Dooley. (WHO KNEW?!) Completely harmless to your lawn! Genius...($40-$80)
4. These plastic-free food grade stainless steel popsicle molds are great for kids of all ages- fill them with juice, jello, tea, or even make frozen margaritas for your next outdoor BBQ! ($39.50; http://www.greenhome.com/)
5. And of course - our FAVORITE way to GO GREEN. How fun is THIS?